12 Puppies Investigate Snow ... And Decide It's The Greatest Thing Ever

<p> <em><a class="checked-link" href="http://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/q6pmn/this_is_my_friends_puppy_this_was_his_first_time/">Reddit/</a>DownWithZac</em><br></p>
<p> <em><a class="checked-link" href="http://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/q6pmn/this_is_my_friends_puppy_this_was_his_first_time/">Reddit/</a>DownWithZac</em><br></p>

Hmm ... What is this weird white stuff you call "snow"? If only there were a dog around to investigate it. It's time for CSI: Puppy!

1. First, you must answer the most important question of any puppy investigation: Can you eat it?


2. Take a minute to survey your surroundings in this strange white wonderland.


3. Really immerse yourself in the investigation.


4. Your paws will get chilly. That's just part of the job!

(Vine/Zach Fiacco)

5. Bundle up nice and warm when you're on the scene.

(YouTube/Snoopy Land)

6. Solve the case: This stuff is a cold, white ... playground!

(Vine/Danielle Maclean)

7. Stick your whole furry face in there just to make sure.


8. There's no such thing as too much snow on your nose. That's just a sign that you're a really determined puppy detective.

(YouTube/Luis Cornejo)

9. You're never too young to start perfecting your detective skills. Bound away!


10. Running around in circles will ensure that you haven't missed anything.


11. Thoroughly investigate the scene with your partner before closing the case.


12. Or just take a sniff and then run away. That's OK, too, pup. Not everyone is suited for the field.
