I just signed the #BoycottSeaWorld Petition

I think this issue is disgusting. These are animals who belong in packs and never leave their mothers. Yet at seaworld they have been taken away from their mothers and mixed with other orcas. That is not natural for them. Orcas don't belong in a small tank, bored and being mistreated, they belong in the wild in their natural habitat where they can live their full lifespans and get full enjoyment out of their surroundings. It's cruel what seaworld have done and people shouldn't be paying to see the shows. We wouldn't pay to see a chained up bear dance so why are people paying to see whales perform? It's the same thing. It's no wonder there has been so many incidents with these whales and im not surprised. They are all ticking time bombs because of how they are treated and the conditions they are living in. This is animal cruelty and WRONG! No more orcas in captivity!