How To Adopt A Stray Dog From Sochi

Sochi's stray dogs have been making international headlines this week -- for being incredibly adorable, for crashing official Olympic events and, unfortunately, for the city's inhumane extermination program that has targeted them. Many people want to help -- and there are lots of ways you can do that right from your laptop.

But if you want to go a step further and adopt one of these adorable pups (because who wouldn't? Just look at that face!), Humane Society International has released an amazing step-by-step guide telling you how to save one of Sochi's strays and -- at the same time -- gain a life-long companion. The guide recommends three local shelters to contact:

Помощь бездомным животным г. Сочи (Help for Homeless animals in Sochi): i. ii. | Contact information: i. Vlada Provotorova: (0117)9882330615 (

ПовоДог ("Povodog"): | Contact information: i. Ekaterina Svetlichnaya: (0117)4957284954 (EkaterinaIS@hq.basel.ruor

Добромир ("Dobromir"): i. Shelter Director Anna Urievna Vichkareva, office phone: (0117)8622682005

The guide also includes information on veterinary services in Sochi, necessary paperwork and airlines that transport pets. The adoption can cost anywhere from $150 to $2,000, HSI reports, but it is very likely to save the life of one of Sochi's stray dogs -- for some inspiration, you can see a whole gallery of the pups here. And there certainly is a demand already, said HSI's Kelly O'Meara in an email.

"Humane Society International has received countless inquiries from concerned citizens around the world regarding the terrible dog killing plan in place in Sochi," she said. "Many people have expressed interest in adopting a Sochi street dog, and HSI wanted to provide the basic information to start people on this path. HSI has provided funding to the local rescue groups to purchase food and vet supplies, and the adoption information was one more way to help them find forever homes for the Sochi dogs in their care."

If you're not able to travel to Russia, adopt a dog from a local shelter. The Shelter Pet Project can help you find a great local shelter and the perfect pup, too.