A new way to help

Puppy mills are terrible places consumed with feces, matted dogs, and inhumane treatment. There are thousands and thousands of puppy mills and most of them cannot be shut down due to the lack of regulations states offer. I wrote the bill that was supposed to be passed in Alabama but the state shut it down pretty fast. After being shut down and disappointed I decided I wanted to help in a different way. I started my own business in honor of my dog Griffey who was raised to become a bait down down in Auburn, Alabama. It all started with an instagram where we posted pictures of Griffey then an update of what is happening in the animal welfare world. That wasn't enough for me because I felt like I wasn't doing any thing good for the puppies in need. Thats when i decided to make bracelets with the longitude and latitude of an abused or endangered animal that was rescued, and by buying a bracelet you are donating money to a charity in need. For my first bracelet I choose to hit home and support The National Mill Dog Rescue an organization that has saved thousands of dogs from puppy mills and has found them amazing new homes. I am only 20 years old but animals have always been a main concern of mine and how to help them has always been a priority. Check out GriffeyGetsIt.com and support the movement!